Upper Carboniferous oxide stained channel sandstones underneath Tynemouth Priory

Altered dyke margins visible on each side

Examining a fallen block of Permian cellular breccia

Thin section (xpl) of 2mm wide vesicle infilled with carbonate in Tynemouth Dyke.

Thin section (xpl): plagioclase feldspar phenocryst 2.5mm in length, Tynemouth Dyke

Thin section (xpl) Tynemouth Dyke, altered margin - ferromagnesian minerals altered to carbonate 

Conglomerate. Finer grained clasts have more readily trapped the iron oxide molecules. 

Examining one of the many faults in Hartley Bay, downthrow to left. Note sediment distortion at base.


Grass patches mark line of Upper Carboniferous- Lower 
Permian Unconformity on cliff face below Tynemouth Priory.

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Polished block from one of the "Mussel Bands", Hartley Bay. Shells are either Carbonicola or Anthracosia bivalves.